2006 Midwest Vizsla Futurity

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The 24th running of the Midwest Vizsla Field Futurity took place on March 9, 2006, at the Des Plaines Wildlife Area near Joliet, IL. This year’s renewal set an MVFF record for both the number of litters nominated and dogs run. Breeders set the stage by nominating twenty litters, and subsequent owners of those litters nominated forty-one hopefuls. Of the 41, thirty-three dogs were named to start at the drawing and thirty-two came to the line for a total cash purse of nearly $1500. Judges Dennis Sullivan, of Fox Grove, IL, and Douglas Bruns of Waverly, IA, had their work cut out for them that day. With more than half of the dogs entered being consistent placers in Puppy and Derby stakes, the level of this year’s competition was intense. Without a doubt, this year’s renewal will be remembered as one of the MVFF’s best. The first brace cast off at 7:30 AM to 50-degree temperatures, over-cast skies, and a stiff south-west breeze. The bar was set high from the very start, as the first brace yielded the eventual 2nd Runner-up.

 The winner, Saginaw Diamond Dan, #1571236, bred by Barry Peterson, was owner handled by Mark Johnson in the 8th brace. The mid-day run took place under clear skies, warmer conditions, and little wind.  Dan ran an aggressive shooting dog race that demonstrated maturity, stamina, and purpose as he sought out logical objectives in pursuit of his quarry.  His casts and hunt were rewarded at 10 and 28 with single quail finds. With each find Danny demonstrated broke shooting dog manners and style to the point of flush. He began his 30 minutes with a smooth yet animated running style and finished  with tail popping on his way  from the orchard to the far west “big field” tree line. Danny, who is out of Desi’s Wilde Child by 2x National Vizsla Association National Champion Kal-Cam’s Red Thunder, marks the third generation of Futurity winners, and the sixth winner produced by breeder Barry Peterson.

First Runner-up, Strider’s Generator, #1567772, owned by Michel Berne bred by Wanda Berner, was handled by Robert Tomczak in the 12thbrace. Paired with the Third Runner-up, Si Cisco, this proved to be the brace of the day. Under the mid-afternoon sun, faced with rising temperatures and poor scenting conditions, Briggs and Cisco put on a bird-finding clinic. Briggs ran a wide, forward shooting dog course, exhibited excellent ground speed, stamina, and rimmed the utmost edges of the fields. Briggs’s powerful wide race was rewarded with a total of four finds; two individual and two divided at 7, 12, 15, and 27. His finds were marked by great intensity and style on point. Briggs, who is out of Strider’s TNG by Raany, the 1997 MVFF winner, marks the 3rd generation of Futurity Winners, Raany’s sixth winning descendant since 2000, and the second winner produced by breeder Wanda Berner.

 Second Runner-up, Shiloh Irish Tia Maria, not registered, owned by Brynne and Chad Bock, and bred and handled by Robert Tomczak, ran in the first brace of the day. Tia’s blazing ground speed and animation immediately captured the eye of onlookers. With her tail cracking, Tia stayed forward on course eating up cover and hitting objectives at a lightening-quick pace. Her drive and determination was rewarded with three individual finds at 8, 12 and 18. Tia’s style was classy on each of her three finds. Tia is out of Shiloh Madach’s Mishka by Shiloh Mark of Zorro, and the fourth winner produced by breeder Robert Tomczak.

Third Runner-up, Si Cisco, #1576577, owned by Linda Busch and Jonathan Peck, bred by Robert Tomczak, and handled by Jonathan Peck, ran in the 12th brace with 1st Runner-up Briggs. Cisco ran an ever-forward race, hunting hard and utilizing all of the cover available to him. Cisco’s workman-like effort was rewarded with multiple finds; one individual, two divided, and a back coming at 7, 12, 17, and 27. Cisco was high-headed and staunch on each of his finds. Cisco is also out of Shiloh Madach’s Mishka by Shiloh Mark of Zorro.  Notably, Cisco and Tia are littermates, and the product of a repeat breeding that initially yielded the 2004 MVFF First Runner-up, Shiloh Luck O The Irish.


Running Order

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