2014 Midwest Vizsla Futurity


2014 Midwest Vizsla Futurity

(By Mark Spurgeon)

The 2014 Midwest Vizsla Futurity is the year of change. After years of trying to keep the cost down on the Double “Lane” trophy we were forced to search for a replacement. The Double “Danny Quest” trophy was the winner. Lane was sold and the Dogs are hard to find with a price jump that was out of sight. The new Danny quest trophies were liked by all with much more detail and a richer look. They are a bronze statue on the traditional style wood base. In addition to the trophies we have changed the Venue.

The Futurity was changed from the Des Plaines conservation area to Jim Edgar Panther Creek wildlife area near Springfield Illinois. There has been concern in the past for the safety of the dogs and short un-groomed course. JEPC solves the problem. Due to the ice and snow the Futurity and the VCOI spring trial were canceled. The Futurity was rescheduled to run after the VCA National Gundog Championship. The grounds have been secured and the Futurity will run at JEPC in the future. The VCOI will follow the Futurity with their weekend trial giving competitors more chances for competition in one trip. The course, trophies and grounds were well received, we are proud to have a new home.

The 2014 Futurity was judges by 2 respected long time field trailers. Mr Peter Coppens, and Mr Phil Tiller. In the end they had a hard time deciding on the winning and placing dogs, this was a very competitive group of dogs brought to the line. In all we had 29 dogs eligible to compete and 21 starters. With the large entry and lower than normal expenses, also came a nice payout. There was approximately $900.00 in trophies, $2100.00 in cash and a new Sportdog training collar split between the winner and placing dogs.

We would like to welcome our new sponsor Sportdog. Sportdog donated a new training collar for the winner. Jim Moorehouse was on site to answer questions. In the future look to Sportdog for all you tracking and training needs. A big thank you also goes out to Purina. Purina has been our sponsor for many years. They support us with dog food for the winners and jackets for our judges.

We had a large crowd for the drawing. As always the drawing was a “double blind” public drawing. Everyone enjoyed the restaurant with a happy hour and Dinner to follow. We had a ride-a-round at 8:00 with the Futurity starting at 9:00

Winner “Kayla”

Our winning Dog came from brace 9A Midnight Run’s Probable Cause “Kayla”. Kayla was Handled by Brian Gingrich, Owned by Jeff Zenas, and Bred by Jon Peck. She showed to the front, finished strong and looked good on her birds. Kayla had the package of run, application, and birdwork. She had a point at the Fence line along with her brace mate. After the creek, she disappeared for about 5 minutes. She was found to the front. Her last bird was at the “Gimme” Tree. This was a fast paced brace with the dog in the right spots.

1st RU “Jessie”

Jessie came from Brace 4A Burr Oaks Jessie Girl “Jessie”. Jessie was H Brian Gingrich O Jim Gingrich. Jessie showed power and drive. She found her edges and worked at range. She had birdwork after the creek but no point was seen. A solid point at the “Gimme Tree” was seen by all. Both handlers were quiet and let the dogs make their moves.

2nd RU “Ty”

Ty came from brace 10A Penny’s Wiki Wiki Another Mai Tai Please “Ty”. Ty was H/O, Breeder Greg Wegler. He showed power and was the most “broke” dog in the stake. He had quality finds and exceptional manners. He had a total of 3 points with the first in the island toward the road. Few dogs made the move up the waterway. He was rewarded. His second find was a divided find along the creek bed by the crossing. He had a NP on the grass strip heading toward the islands, with a big move to the islands he scored another quality find, Reagan came in for a back. Ty finished strong and stayed forward.

3rd RU “Tina”

Tina came from brace 2A CK Touchdown TNT “Tina”. Tina was H/O Ron Chenoweth. Tina was independent with some large forward casts. She hunted for the handler checking in regularly. She was out of pocket a couple times and took some handling to find the front. These minor flaws separated her from the winner, 1st and 2nd RU dogs. She had several finds with no point seen and solid birdwork at 25.

Brace 1

Rumor has it “Rumor” O/H JoAnne Webber and Crimson’s Double Twenty Gauge “Gauge” O/H Mark Spurgeon. Gauge and Rumor were found forward at the fence line where Gauge pointed with Rumor Coming in for a back. Gauge pointed along the creek and again in the hole, with a final NP as time was called. Rumor scored 2 other points one on the fence line and the other at mid course. Both dogs showed power drive and style.

Brace 2

CK Touchdown TNT Tina “Tina” O/H Ron Chenoweth and Red Rivers Bora Southern Clay “Clay” O/H Caleb Bryson. “Tina see above”. Clay had points at 5 along fence, and at 25 in the islands with a flush at 10. Clay hunted hard for his handler, found lines and looked good on his birds

Brace 3

BGK .50 Caliber “Barret” O/H Jarret Bell and Mira’s Mr Playmaker “Driver” O Michel Berner H Brian Gingrich. Barret Scored points at the fencline, Corn row and at the “Gimme Tree with a back at 18. Driver pointed at fencline,, by the house and at 18. A long chase followed with both dogs getting out of pocket showing their independence.

Brace 4

Burr Oaks Jessie Girl “Jessie” O Jim Gingrich H Brian Gingrich. CK Guy’s Double Barrell Dee Dee “Dee Dee” O/H Ron Chenoweth. “Jessie see above”. Birds were at a premium for this brace. Both dogs found their lines and had good application. Dee Dee was picked up when the handler asked for the tracker.

Brace 5

Ramblin Rivers Ramblin Man “Segar” O/H Willinam Stapleton. Burr Oaks Ellie Mae “Ellie Mae” O James gingrich H Brian Gingrich. Both dogs took command of the course from the start. Segar made a big move through the grass waterway out to the road. Both chose the grass over the fencline. Ellie Mae pointed after the creek on an island and at the “Gimme Tree”. Segar had birdwork after the creek Point called but not seen by gallery.

Brace 6

Lexi Oner Travis Brustkern Handler Jerry Jordan. Bye O/H None

Lexi had 4 evenly space birds with a solid point and stylish attempt to grab the flushing bird from the Gimme Tree. She hunted hard with a big move heading toward the islands.

Brace 7

Countryside Buck “Buck” O Ron Chenoweth H Brian Gingrich. Crimson’s Rowdy Rudy “Rowdy” O Steve Merbach H Mark Spurgeon. Rowdy had woodcock find at castoff. Both had points before the creek. Rowdy pointed on the cornrow and in the down tree in the big field. In the grass strip before the islands both pointed with a long chase scouts were sent. Rowdy pointed at Gimme Tree. Both dogs had power and independence covered ground well, found edges and had quality finds.

Brace 8

CK Ruebens’s Billy Joe “Billie” O/H Ron Chenoweth. BGK Red Hot Lead “Sig” O/H Justin Hess. Both dogs worked well, stayed forward and found birds. Sig and Billie had a divided find before the creek. Billie pointed at the last waterway. Sig Pointed at the Fencrow, and the Gimme Tree with a hawk kill near the downed tree. Both dogs showed good application, held lines and handled kindly.

Brace 9

Midnight Run’s Probable Cause “Kayla” O Jeff Zenas H Brian Gingrich. Ramblin Rivers Hail Rock’N’Roll “Hail” O/H William Stapleton. “Kayla See above” Stapleton picked up Hail about half way after multiple finds and points. Both dogs were face paced our winning dog came from this brace.

Brace 10

Penny’s Wiki Wiki Another Mai Tai Please “Ty” O/H Charles Chadwell. Hi-Weyer Gentelman Jack “Reagan” O Andy Weyer H Jerry Jordan. “Ty See above” Regan pointed before the creek, and after the creek by the house. Regan backed at the islands. Both finished strong

Brace 11

JNEK Son of a Preacher Man “Gabriel” O/H Samantha Dumm. Shawnee’s Golden Lioness “Kate” O Joe Fitzsimmons H Brian Gingrich. Gabriel was handled on foot He pointed at the fencline and at the creek. By midcourse handlers had separated and Gabriel found the front with no handler. Gabriel stayed forward and hunted his way through the course. Kate pointed staunch at the waterway, the end of the cornrow, under the tree at the hard turn, in the island, and last waterway. She ranged nicely, stayed forward handled well and stayed to her lines.

Nominated Litters


Renominated Individual Dogs 
