2015 Midwest Vizsla Futurity


2015 Midwest Vizsla Futurity

By Mark Spurgeon

The 2015 Midwest Vizsla Futurity brought many of the brightest young stars in the Vizsla world to compete for the coveted Double Danny Quest Trophy and a cash purse. Our returning Judge this year was Peter Coppens and the new Judge was Rich Miller. Both judges were attentive and picked the dogs that showed promise and had the qualities needed for a future in this game. Most of the competition gathered for the drawing and dinner on Thursday evening. Friday began with an 8.00 cast off. The cool weather and a light wind was perfect to watch dogs run. Broken clouds kept the conditions consistent throughout the day

We would like to thank the breeders, competitors, helpers and our sponsors Purina and Sportdog. Purina has supported us with Food for our winners and Jackets for our judges. Terry Trzcinski the Purina rep was on site to show his support, answer questions and award the food certificates. Sportdog showed their support with a training collar for the winner.

Winner   Rojo De Tejas Rev it up “Della”, Breeder Jim Gingrich

1st Ru Fidler’s CK Ragin Bull “Ragin”

2nd Ru BGK’s Long Range Rifle “Henry”

3rd Ru Barben N Crimson’s Wild Rose for Hailey,

Brace 1 Rossi / Bell & Stone / Stapleton cast off at 8:35. Both dogs found standing before the creek crossing and along the fence. Rossi was seen under a bird before the grass strip. Both dogs had good range and strong run. Stone pushed out of pocket but found the front. In the islands Rossi shortened and hunted the available cover while Stone punch out and lost the front.

Brace 2 Shure win / Scyzylo & Kid / Chenoweth. Kid scored several pieces of solid birdwork. A quality find at the lone tree between the crop fields.  After the creek Kid was found out of pocket. Sherwin made some big moves after the creek following the treeline off course. Both dogs hunted hard and finished strong. No point recorded for Shure win.

Brace 3 Bam Bam / Gingrich & Cotey / Oberst.  Bam Bam made some big moves showed independence  requiring some handle to stay in pocket. He had a quality find at the orchard to the right after the strip. Cody worked closer and hunted for the handler working the cover that was available.

Brace 4 Diesel / fiddler & Red / Gingrich  

Diesel found standing before the creek. With a big run proved to be independent for the handler.  He was also found standing in the pockets and then again before the turnback. A relocate was productive. Red showed power, independence and drive. He had 1 solid find.

Brace 5 Della / Gingrich & Mojo / Kliefoth. Della had a find in the grass strip. Della showed to the front and handled well showing power and syle. Mojo hunted well for the handler, until she was hung up after a solid find.

Brace 6 Ragin / Gingrich & Rose / Spurgeon Rose scored several solid finds. She stayed forward making some large casts and worked cover when available. Ragin pushed deep into the pockets stayed forward and scored several finds.

Brace 7 Henry / Bell & Jewel / May. Jewel was seen under a bird along the first fence line, before the creek with Henry. In the open Field Jewel retrieved a bird and scored another in the pockets. With a good race it was unfortunate no point was seen. Henry showed a big race with a solid find before the creek. He held his lines well along the crop field and pointed again after the grass strip.