2021 Midwest Vizsla Futurity

2021 Midwest Vizsla Futurity

Jim Edgar Panther Creek - Chad Chadwell

The 2021 Midwest Vizsla Futurity was held this year at the Jim Edgar Panther Creek field trial

grounds near Ashland, Illinois. Our 2020 event was not able to be held due to the Covid-19

pandemic and subsequent temporary closure of all State Parks. We were very happy to resume

this prestigious futurity stake. The weather gods were kind to us this year. Usually spring rains

make for very soggy and muddy conditions, but this year the grounds were primarily firm and

the creek crossings easily accessible. We sincerely appreciate our corporate sponsors Purina

and Sport Dog, who continue to support our event. A special thank you to our two judges, Jeff

Wallace and Bill Elliot, for sitting in the saddle and attentively watching our young dogs.

This year, we had four entries for this event making for a very relaxed time for running dogs.

Three dogs were awarded placements with one young dog not placed due to not finishing the

course. The winning dog was CK Guy’s Jake (Jake), owned and handled by Ron Chenoweth

and expertly scouted by Ron’s wife Denise. Runner Up was awarded to Freya’s Vezeto’s

Chance (Freya), owned and handled by Russ McKay, and 2nd Runner Up was awarded to Bold

Warrior (Koa), owned by Chad Chadwell and Nancy Browne, handled by Chad and scouted by


We eagerly look forward to hosting this event next year at the end of March at the same

grounds and invite Vizsla breeders to nominate their litters and enter their young dogs. Please

contact Rodney Albin, MVF secretary. This is a prestigious and enjoyable event where some of

the best of our breed showcase their talents. The Futurity is run on a Friday and is immediately

followed with the Vizsla Club of Illinois weekend trial on Saturday and Sunday.